搜索 Ant

  • 电视剧
  • 电视剧剧情
    该剧改编自埃莱娜·费兰特的著名小说“那不勒斯四部曲”,主角为Elena和Lila,第3季将改编自四部曲中的《Those Who Leave and Those Who Stay》。
  • 电影
    Soélie, a young motocross prodigy, sees her dreams of success shattered by an accident. She now devotes herself to training her brother, Michael. When he is recruited by TMAX scooter racers for a high-profile heist in Paris, Soélie must ov…
  • 电视剧战争
    《女子炸弹英雄》于2011年7月在横店开拍,该剧延续了上一部的故事,仍然以女子和炸弹为主题,继《女子炸弹部队》之后,原班人马齐聚一堂,又开始了艰苦的拍摄历程。  1941年抗日战争,日本侵略军军佐柳生美子带领的日军特别行动队,屡屡潜入我后方国统区恣意妄为,无辜百姓惨遭其害。中共党员刘成打入国民党政府军令部,巧妙利用国民党的资源…
  • 电影生活
  • Filante
    A little bat keeps pieces of the moon inside a shell. At the same time, a girl is looking for her lost mouse, wishing the moon would come back. The two will cross paths in this magical story.
  • Tants, mis kestab
    This heartfelt documentary delves into the lively bond between Milvi, an unconventional grandmother, and her granddaughter Emili, a dedicated theatre student. Each Sunday, they gather for meals, watch sports while using the cozy apartment as their secret stage to sing and dance, knowing it’s just the two of them. Milvi…
  • 蜡笔小新:我们的恐龙日记
  • 电影
    香港电影《录影歹》(TAPE)今日正式开镜,外籍导演Bizhan Tong携同李施嬅、关智斌、栢天男等一众主演出席开机仪式。 电影翻拍自2001年的好莱坞电影《TAPE》,讲述三位男女主角事隔多年再次相见,三人挖出彼此之间的秘密与矛盾。 李施嬅这次除了主演以外,更参与监制与编剧工作,她在受访时表示:“今次能够促《TAPE》的重拍,全靠导演的安排,…
  • A Want in Her
    Debuting filmmaker Myrid Carten has been filming since she was a child, and when her mother goes missing, she picks up her camera again in response to this new crisis. Her mother Nuala, once a successful social worker, suffered a mental breakdown after the sudden death of her own mother. She shuffles between rehab clin…