搜索 Antoine

  • 20世纪20年代,非洲国家阿尔及利亚。在某个犹太人小镇上,生活着受人尊重的长老史法及其美丽善良且刚刚进入青春期的女儿扎拉比娅。长老一方面遗憾曾经可爱的女儿天真不再,一方面担心扎拉比娅受到各种不符教义事物的诱惑走上歧途。这一日,长老的家中发生怪事,他家的猫儿在吃了鹦鹉后竟然开口说话。灵猫日常里耳濡目染,出口成章。为避免对女儿…
  • A marriage in crisis – what could be more normal, more easily recognizable? And yet, for such a mundane matter of the modern bourgeois world to take on unprecedented dimensions, all it takes is a camera to find a spot inside the “war zone.…
  • 这部记录片再现了法国历史上最著名的国王 路易十四的人生和爱情。太阳王路易十四征服了大半个欧洲,他的风骚佳话,骄奢淫逸至今仍为人津津乐道。但是他最大的成果,他平生最长期的寻求倒是他在凡尔赛所建的光辉尽伦的宫殿。
  • 时尚顽童Jean Paul Gaultier多年来以创意挑战一切社会定型,高举怪人旗号,颂赞每个人的独特奇异之处。 2018年,他更创作出一场跨越时装、电影、剧场、舞蹈的「时尚怪人show」,放在巴黎最著名的剧院内上演,用最艳丽夺目的方式诉说一生故事︰儿时的变性小熊公仔如何启发「爱美神飞弹」设计、爱人Francis如何成就今日的他……Jean Paul…
  • Upon learning that his mother was a prostitute, Frank (Daniel Gelin) dejectedly vows that he, too, will live a life of debauchery. Part of his self-degradation program is to kill someone, and since the story takes place during the Nazi occupation of France, he chooses a German officer as his victim. His steady descent …
  • A woman hosts some friends, but does not give them the keys of her apartment. Its window overlooks a migrant camp. One day, the migrants are no longer there. The following days, qigou.cc newcomers appear in the apartment. They are not migrants.
  • L'angedesvignes
  • 深夜时份,性感撩人的珠宝大盗歌拉,突然接获毕生中最贴身的危险任务。艺术收藏家史洛杜斯博士委托她前往世界上三个最神秘的国度–阿拉伯、非洲及西藏,分别盗取三个稀有的子宫性物,以防止男性野心家独占创造生命的力量……紧随着歌拉的还有美艳摧命的特务,娜达莎,歌拉须身历重重考验,穿越热辣辣的阿拉伯沙漠,森野野的非洲丛林及春光遍险峰…
  • To boost the dwindling sales of the magazine where she is an intern, Alice, 23, comes up with a nationwide competition to adopt Victor, 85 and alone in the world.Guillaume, his wife Sylvie and their kids win the contest and the cash that comes with it. They welcome Victor into their home, despite Sylvie's initial reluc…
  • Antoine,法国人,旅行者,喜欢用自己的方式满世界晃悠,想要看到最真实的东西。他的方式,可以用半驴客背包族来形容,一个拖箱、一个背包,还有三台DV。他会选择火车、大巴、公交,也会路边stop或者借自行车、租车、买汽车。总之,他要记录下一切,要结实当地的人,要看到真实的一面,不论好坏。他的行程,从纽约出发,经西海岸南下,再从东海…