- 令人惊叹的音乐童话故事“这部歌剧将给予少年儿童听众一个美好的契机来发现新奇的当代音乐”摘自2011年2月12日,瑞士《公正快报》,乐评家:Fabrice DuclosL'émerveillement d'un conte musical"Ce spectacl e aura fourni aux jeunes auditeurs une jolie occasion de découvrir la mu…
- The journey of an Indonesian national hero named K.H. Ahmad Dahlan striving for Muhammadiyah, an Islamic organization in Indonesia, and how he was rejected by the society as he was trying to fix up their perspective.
- London Paris New York is a film that captures the angst of the twenties, the most dramatic period of one's life - when you have to find a career; you have your first significant relationship and most importantly form your identity in this world.This is story about Lalitha, a middle class south Indian girl from Chembur …