- 電影大報復?非也,奪舍就真。來奪的是三級片,被奪 的是教堂,兩極對壘。開場電影已死,放映機砸掉,色 情影院讓路給教堂,影痴院主黯然別去。以前三級片賣 錢,現在宗教賣錢。超級嚴肅的神父進駐,還有一班騎 呢聚眾。吼!誰知電影還魂,一把欲仙欲死的女聲縈繞, 迫得神父瘋了,去看心理醫生。背景溫馨提示:喀拉拉 以前真有千多間色情影院,殖民者入口的,…
- Rural crime drama featuring an exploitative landlord (Gani) and a good peasant Ramu (Nissar) who is accused of murdering the landlord. Remembered mainly for being one of India's first colour films, using the Cinecolour process imported by Imperial.
- Ali, a taxi driver in Algeria, and his wife, Houria, are unable to have children. When he travels to another city to test his fertility, he is accused by Fatima, a pregnant woman, of being the father of her unborn child. When Houria leaves him, Ali can either reveal his infertility or live with his alleged infidelity.