- 安利科是叱吒业界的王牌顾问,他总是有办法说服废柴高层交棒,拯救大企业于水火。表面呼风唤雨的安利科,私下严谨孤行,不愿重蹈父亲抛家弃子的覆辙。然而独来独往的平静生活,却被误闯空门的异国美女亚莉诺打破。来历成谜的亚莉诺,举手投足都撼摇著安利科的定见。同时间,一家跨国集团的经营者意外骤逝,让安利科首次接触到稚嫩富二代的良善,…
- Stand up comedian Jay Mohr reveals everything from the intimate - marriage, raising a child and more - to the extraordinary in this hilarious comedy special.
- A 2008 brilliant DVD box of Zappa Plays Zappa which is the name of a concert tour and band led by Dweezil, the oldest son of the late composer and musician Frank Zappa. The band debuted in 2006 with shows in Europe, Canada and the US. The shows is a collection of Frank Zappa's rock-oriented compositions from 1960s to 1…
- 閉ざされた廃工場を舞台に、7人の男女が体験する不条理ドラマ。灰色のつなぎを着た7人の男女。自分たちの置かれた状況が把握できず戸惑う彼らの前に、突如として“淘汰者”と名乗る男が現れて彼と7人の生死をかけた禁断のゲームをスタートさせる。