- "Papa Pede" is one of the most powerful people in the city, but he has been marked for death by his enemies. He forcibly recruits two guys, Kieb and Jeng, who have just been released from jail to assassinate his assassin. Pede believes that Kieb is the man who managed to kill a famed assassin many years befor…
- 麦克斯和Ru这对夫妇乘坐飞机前往旧金山旅行,飞行途中丈夫阅读乔诺博士撰写的著作《Forensic Science》,麦克斯对其中关于十二宫杀手的论述部分十分着迷。少顷飞机降落,夫妻二人走出机场,却没有等到来接站的朋友莱斯利。这时一辆私家车停在他们面前,司机自称是莱斯利的朋友,因对方临时有事而代替朋友前来接站。妻子毫无防备地上了车,而麦克…