- Srikanda, Pawinee's sister, is a beautiful woman whose father is very proud of her. She fell in love with Noppanai and despite her father's disapproval, yuankan.cc they decided to elope. One day, Pawinee meets Srikanda by chance, and notices how she looks thinner and depressed. She eventually gets ill and passes away. …
- もうひとつの『髑髏城の七人』が誕生、奇しき縁に結ばれた男と女の愛憎劇!!物語も一新、主演に天海祐希を迎え、新感線の看板俳優・古田新太が迎え撃つ、『髑髏城の七人』でありながら、捨之介も蘭兵衛も出てこない“もうひとつの『髑髏城の七人』”が出来上がりました。新たに紡ぐ物語を 『修羅天魔シュラテンマ』と題し、作品世界の想像をかき…