- When Laura Harris's kidnapped son returns after eleven devastating years, what she thinks will be a dream come true turns out to be a family nightmare.
- The filmmaking debut of Ana Mariscal, who, by then, had had an important career as an actress in theater and film, was a bold move in 1950s’ Spain, in more than one sense—being a woman behind the camera, financing her first film with her o…
- 美國內戰之際,南方邦聯軍團建造出古老傳說中的煉金機器,來獲取巨人財源,以統一美國。米奇和蘇莉必須依據神秘死亡的傑克爺爺所留下的藏寶圖,搶先南方邦聯叛軍找到失蹤百年的3個煉金機器啟動元素,否則南方邦聯叛軍就可能再度聚集強大軍隊,改變美國及世界的命運…