- 32岁的俄罗斯人伊利亚·奈舒勒并非科班出身,原来是玩音乐的,曾组建过一支庞克乐队叫做“Biting Elbows”,差不多两年前他为乐队拍摄了一支MV叫做“Bad Motherfucker”放到了Youtube上,结果获得几千万的播放量,一炮而红。于是导演众筹25万美元,促成了完全第一人称视角的长片《硬核亨利》的诞生。
- 1976年、女子プロレス界に彗星の如く現れたビューティ・ペア。ジャッキー佐藤とマキ上田によるこのタッグチームは、「かけめぐる青春」でレコードデビューし、試合前にリング上で歌う斬新なスタイルで、女子中高生を中心に爆発的な人気を呼んだ。本作品は、映画「不良番長」シリーズで知られる内藤誠監督が、そんな人気絶頂時の彼女たちの姿を余…
- Turkey allowed the US to use its airbase at Incirlik in southern Turkey as part of the "extraordinary rendition" programme to take suspected terrorists to Guantánamo Bay.
- The Treaty of Lausanne was a peace treaty signed in Lausanne, Switzerland on 24 July 1923. It officially ended the state of war that had existed between Turkey and the Allied British Empire, French Republic, Kingdom of Italy, Empire of Japan, Kingdom of Greece, Kingdom of Romania, and Serb-Croat-Slovene State since the…
- A contemporary story with a strong message, 'The Pa Boys', follows a fictional Wellington reggae band as they embark on a tour 'down north', from Wellington to Cape Reinga. Staring Fran Kora (from the band KORA) and Matariki Whatarau (Go Girls, The Almighty Johnsons), The Pa Boys is a story about life, death and music,…