搜索 Aring

  • 电影恐怖
    数月前的一场事故,让侦探迈克尔(威尔·华莱士 Will Wallace 饰)及其妻子瑞秋(艾米丽·布鲁克斯 Emily Brooks 饰)失去了他们可爱的女儿。在此之后,夫妻关系急转直下,低至冰点,许是为了重获前进的勇气,他们从喧嚣的旧金山搬到了为山岭丛林环绕的格林伍德湾小镇,迈克尔则在当地谋得警察的职务。刚刚搬来的第二天,一起失踪案便牵扯了迈克…
  • 电影动画
    经过上百万年的进化,熊猫一族经历了无数艰难险阻,走到今天。虽然濒临灭绝的熊猫接受了人类的细心呵护,但是一场史无前例的灾难即将席卷它们的栖息地,狂风暴雨会引发洪水,毁灭熊猫一族。担心子孙的命运,祖先们向熊猫菩萨(赵忠祥 配音)请教,菩萨预言将有一只继承了祖先们智慧的超级熊猫降生,拯救本民族的命运。与此同时,森林中名叫潘迪…
  • In 1972 the tranquility of a coastal town in California is broken as hitch-hiking girls begin to go missing and corpses start showing up. Detectives chase every lead that presents itself, to pacify the Chief of Police and their terrified community. The body count rises as a monster reveals himself, hatching a plan to s…
  • 电影
  • Victor plays one of his homemade sci-fi movies where his dog Sparky in its rockership must battle hostile flying saucers in space.
  • 电影恐怖
    伊文斯(克里斯蒂安·克拉克 饰)在妻子车祸死后精神崩溃,记忆中最后一幕是妻子出轨,因此他努力寻找妻子的情人,认为那才是他治愈精神创伤的唯一可能。但事情的发展却渐渐失去掌控,浮出水面的真相令人心惊。性、失落和悔恨三大主题缠绕交织……收起详
  • For the very first time cameras have been allowed behind the scenes at the royal palaces to see the historic and hidden world of the Grenadier Guards.With their bearskins and red tunics they are the most recognisable soldiers in the British Army.They are the very public face of royal ceremony – resplendent in bearskins…
  • This four-part series looks at Barbados today through the lives – at work and at play – of the island's horse racing community. The series is centred on the Barbados Turf Club and following the stories of a colourful cast of characters, fr…