- 影片开始是职业杀手门迪萨瓦尔奉命在深夜将谋杀对象除掉,并将死者伪装成是自杀。后来,雇佣他的雇主又让他去杀掉金融家库尔帕。在门迪萨瓦尔准备谋杀计划时,他的助手富奈斯却被库尔帕派来的人杀死。门迪萨瓦尔不知道杀死富奈斯的人正是他的雇主手下的人,因而愤怒地将其除掉。根据所掌握的库尔帕的生活规律,门迪萨瓦尔闯进了库尔帕的住宅,但…
- Story of a ordinary human being who, by chance, take possession of the money that was stolen from a bank, thinking that will solve all his problems
- This is a very powerful film. Admittedly parts of it are hard to watch, but it is an outstanding piece. In a nutshell, it is about a hippie commune that has been set up by someone who believes that the best way to help the homeless and often deranged cripples in Moscow is by offering them sexual love. I did not realise…