- 布朗夫人经营这一个水果摊,继续过着怡然自得的生活,然而很快,她的水果摊所在的地皮被开发商看中,她们面临着被赶走的危险。布朗夫人立刻把朋友召集到一起商量对策,大家达成一致,要跟开发商抗争到底,面对着开发商咄咄逼人的气势,布朗夫人丝毫没有畏惧。为了吸引公众的注意力,她甚至找来了各路媒体,进行铺天盖地的报道宣传,她还来到了法…
- Hoping to cash in on the final stages of the found-footage phenomenon, a shady LA producer hires a small crew of cult-icon, has-been and never-were filmmakers to 'whip up' a supernatural, first-person perspective ghost story on a pitifully low budget. Along with a handful of amateur actors, the group heads into the woo…
- An American family's ancestral trip to Ireland uncovers more than they hoped for, as a child spirit, intent on revenge for past sins committed by their newfound their Irish family follows them back home. As their Irish relatives reveal their hidden past, both the spirit and the family collide in a dual yearning for rev…
- A road trip is only fun as long as the car keeps moving. When a group of friends run into car trouble, they believe that they have found shelter at a nearby camp. Little do they know that they will soon be running for their lives.