搜索 Armando

  • A man who thought himself untouchable. An ambitious lover. A wife blinded by comfort. A priest living his personal hell. A jail with no rules except one: survival of the fittest. With the basic tools of Cinema Verite, V.I.P. mixes actors with real prison inmates to highlight the line between the comfy outside world and…
  • 仪式上狼女人里年迈的皇后被新的年轻皇后“卢巴”取代。新皇后前往圣人的更衣室与之调情。之后她又同私人侦探去了宾馆并将其杀害。圣人坐火车前往Cenega小镇旅行,特兰西瓦尼亚狼人国王也在同一辆列车中并前往一个棺材。在小镇的聚会上圣人与狼人交战,圣人被其中一只狼人所咬,他只有设法在下一个红色月球上杀掉那些狼人才能免于将自己变成狼人…
  • Semi-Tropical Romantic Drama. A little town in the Paraná Forrest of Paraguay is the scenario of this dramatic drama.Isabel Sarli is Isabel,the beautiful daughter of poor farmers,who's love for the sordid Quiroga cuts early her life when b…
  • 名为“family”的这家电影院整日放映色情电影,马伊达一家经营着电影院也住在电影院里。影院的放映厅以及走廊上每日都聚集着同性恋者、娼妓和鸡奸者。马伊达的父亲有了外遇并且有了私生子,母亲弗罗伤心至极,为此事上法院结果是败诉。收养来的弟弟阿兰使女友梅丽怀孕了,别无他法的他们只得商量着结婚的事宜。而她的妹妹杰瑞尔整日无所事事在影…
  • 电影生活
  • 影片以抒情的镜头语言叙述了葡萄牙一个城镇在八月来临时的生活画卷,折射出在全球化趋势业已不可抗拒的前提下,地区种族融合的种种现状。36岁的葡萄牙导演米格尔-格默斯十年来拍摄了五部电影作品,曾在奥伯豪森短片国际电影节上获得最佳影片。
  • 电影
    Largely unchanged for more than a century, the projection of photochemical film faces an uncertain future in the digital age. The practice of handing and projecting film is in danger of being lost; and the role of film projectionist is nearing extinction. THE DYING OF THE LIGHT explores at the history and craft of moti…
  • Reforms have offered opportunity in Cuba but the children of the Revolution are unsure of the best route forward. For a half-dozen drag racers, this means last-minute changes to their beloved American muscle cars, as they prepare for the first sanctioned race in Cuba since 1960. Punctuated by a lively Cuban soundtrack,…
  • 3磅之重
    3磅,是一个成人大脑的重量.这是一部非一般的医务剧,冷漠的科学技术和深藏在大脑中的人性、情感、逻辑互相冲突.剧情的发展将为我们揭示大脑,这个仍然充满未知的奥妙世界.Doug Hanson医生领导该医疗小组,他对人脑异乎寻常的痴迷,更胜于病人本身.Seger医生用自己的魅力和知性很好的平衡了病人在情感上的需要和医学上的决定.两人迥异的个性,并没有…