搜索 Armi

  • 西蒙正在哭泣
    Simon, wrecked by a love sorrow, overflows with sadness. He literally starts to shed all the tears of his whole body. Constantly soaked head to foot, he has to face this new physical state that he’s incapable to stop. An encounter will allow him to take a step back from his pain, to point to another perception of sorro…
  • 电影
    Malaal is the story of Shiva and Astha, two very different people from contrasting backgrounds who experience the innocence of love. Does their love find its destination qiwan.cc or do they part ways? Stay on this journey to find out.
  • 希腊某海滨小镇的水产店内,桔黄色的雄章鱼和粉红色的雌章鱼相亲相爱,但是一只人类的手拆散了它们。一想到爱人将遭受刀俎,成为别人餐桌上的美味佳肴,雄章鱼便不寒而栗。他鼓起勇气,跳出水族箱,向人类的运输车狂奔而去。一场拯救爱情的保卫战在小镇的街头轰轰烈烈展开了……   本片荣获2008年意大利阿内西国际动画电影节Canal Famil…
  • 一帮兴趣爱好各异的同志机缘巧合下成为了挚友,他们共同分享快乐与悲伤,就像家人一样亲密。然而陌生男子锥克(David A. Rudd 饰)的出现给这个小圈子掀起了一场风暴。锥克拥有邪魅的笑容,幽默的谈吐和健硕的身材。很快的,有人为他倾心,有人把他当作最好朋友,有人对他言听计从。但显然锥克的目的不止于此。他勾引关系稳定的同性伴侣,玩弄帅…
  • 女主人公阿历克斯今年30岁,和家里人的关系比较疏远。某天,阿历克斯回来参加姐妹詹妮的婚礼,原来她想借机告诉家人,自己已经订婚的消息,没想到因为阿历克斯未婚夫的名字比较女性化,结果阴差阳错下,阿历克斯被误以为是同性恋,由此引起了一场家庭纷争……
  • Leopold Kohák married a rich widow a long time ago and now he has nothing to do compared to his energetic wife. He's growing old and troubled by the fact that he betrayed his first love Emca and his beloved river Sázava where he spent his …
  • 为实现环游世界的梦想,伊旺自罗马尼亚偷渡到了罗马,然而人在异乡、身无分文的他只得四处流浪。某日,伊旺偷跑到公厕里洗澡,却被清洁工米克雷发现并收留了他,伊旺因此住进了米克雷租来的小公寓里……伊旺和米克雷都很穷,但两人对未来却都有无穷的梦想。擅于烹饪的米克雷,渴望开一家餐馆;而只会修车的伊旺,则梦想买一台宾士车,风光返回罗…