- 由《人猿泰山》(Tarzan)、《魔法奇缘》(Enchanted)的导演凯文·利马(Kevin Lima)执导,故事改编自印度史诗《罗摩衍那》(The Ramayana),将以两只普通猴子为主角,讲述他们成为英雄的故事。形式上将采用宝莱坞歌舞片的形式,由《127小时》、《贫民窟的百万富翁》的配乐人拉曼(A.R. Rahman)作曲,由《风中奇缘》、《坏女巫》(Wic…
- Pete Candeland (1972) began his career at Disney in Sydney where he was hired straight from high school in 1991 on the strength of his drawing skills. He joined Passion Pictures as a director in 2000 and working across many media including design, drawn and computer animation and live action. In 2001 Candeland and Pass…