- 这部电影讲述了由阿迪布上尉和他的导师阿德南少校领导的帕斯考乌小组的故事,他们的任务是保护在饱受战争蹂躏的国家南武里服务的人道主义者。在他们返回家园时,他们的飞机意外地被当地武装分子击落。九名乘客设法在飞机坠毁前跳了下去。在马来西亚,空军得知消息后,立即开始准备救援。阿迪布的妹夫扎夫兰是一名被禁飞的苏霍伊飞行员,他为拯救…
- In Grandpa’s Orchard, Karol Starnawski touches on a taboo subject for subsequent generations of Poles and Ukrainians. Karolina’s family only talked about the Volhynian massacre, in which her relatives were killed, behind closed doors. To l…
- The film centres on thirty-something Basile who moves in with his little sister and closest confidant Sarah upon his discharge from hospital. Basile lives with a psychiatric disorder and does his best to re-establish a sense of normality in his work and love life. But how long can he maintain this fragile stability whe…