- "Romeo's Distress" is a Weird, Shakespearean, Gothic, Horror-Thriller that tells a story of a boy name James, his unrequited love for a girl named Jane, and her father's sadistic (yet dutiful) response to it all.
- When a rash of demonic possessions occurs in Los Angeles, the Vatican summons an Irish Priest with mysterious powers: Ciaran the Demon Hunter.
- A group of friends spend a weekend in a remote mountain cabin and discover something that will change their lives. Now they must fight to stay alive.
- This film tells a combination of how Ken Taylor and his Canadian Embassy staff in Teheran during the Iranian hostage crisis hid half a dozen American embassy staffers at great personal risk. It furthermore tells the story, which was revealed much later to the cover story for the joint CIA/Canadian rescue operation, of …
- 2017 marks the centenary year of the establishment of Imperial War Museums. It was founded while the First World War was still raging - and over the past century, IWM has expanded hugely (with five sites including the Churchill War Rooms and HMS Belfast).This programme shares stories of those who have lived, fought and…