搜索 Arto

  • An unknown story of a Haitian vodou priest, who visited Poland in 1980. He conducts a vodou ceremony to free Poles from evil. A metaphysical view on time of socialism through the eyes of a stranger form a different culture.
  • Die Animationsfilme der Weimarer Republik genießen aufgrund ihrer künstlerischen Experimente bis heute Weltruf. Unter dem Motto »Film als Kunst« (Rudolf Arnheim) entwickelten Walter Ruttmann, Viking Eggeling, Hans Richter, Rudolf Pfenning…
  • An outlaw, the Llano Kid is the scourge of south Texas and a Bible quoting lawman named Thacker. The kid joins a con man in a plot to deceive a wealthy old woman that he's her long-lost son and heir. Traveling to Mexico, move into the luxurious hacienda, but the Kid soon grows to love the woman and the beautiful neighb…
  • Amanda is a corporate highflier who needs a slacker so she can have a baby and keep her career.
  • 电影
    Story of a woman’s struggle to find out an ancient relic fighting her way across enemies and treacheries.
  • 电视剧
    阿法(萨米·考威尔 Sammy Cowell 饰)表面看似是衔着金汤匙出生的千金小姐,实际上,有钱的是她的继父。妈妈再婚之后,对待阿法的态度就一落千丈,之后,阿法迎来了自己同母异父的妹妹,这个姑娘让阿法在家中的地位变得更加恶劣。 一场意外中,阿法被一个名叫瑟奇(阿努瓦·宗澈德拉塔纳 Anuwat Choocherdratana 饰)的男人给撞倒了,两人…
  • 閏年就是每隔四年在二月多出一天,然而這樣卻違背了馬雅的曆法,因為如此一來,在一百二十年後,將多出整整一個月,也就是第13個月。2013年13月13日是被詛咒的世界末日,人間充斥暴力與血腥殺戮、所有人死於非命,人間煉獄即將來臨。唯有那些閏年出生的閏年之子得以逃過一劫。然而這些僥倖存活下來的人,他們要面對的是喪心病狂的活死人,要制服…
  • Taste is our most indulgent sense but it is only in recent years that we have started to understand why we really love the foods we do - and it is a lot more surprising than you might think.There may a way to make food taste sweeter without adding any extra sugar and it is all down to a trick that happens in your brain…