搜索 Arvo

  • Teenage Mari is sent to an orphanage. It's an awful and unfriendly place to be. But soon two rival leading boys both show up their interest against the girl. Which one should she fall in love with, the good or the bad one ? Unbelivable realistic picture of an orphanage-life in Soviet Union is given. Good acting.
  • A young man who was trying to commit suicide is brought to the hospital in a small Estonian town. The guy could not survive the terrible blow of fate - figuratively speaking, at the most crucial moment for the young lover, our hero turned out to be untenable. One of the hospital nurses, sparing the unfortunate young ma…
  • Documentary about the rural population who earn their living as coal miners, thus helping to keep metallurgic activity going and contributing to the forest devastation in South America.This documentary didn't click for me immediately. Except for a few screens of text the narrative is related entirely by the charcoal pe…
  • 赫尔辛基富有、好色而臭名昭著的花花公子布鲁诺,在主持完一场以犯罪为主题的聚会之后,被发现死在了自己的浴池里,看上去像一场完美的意外事故。布鲁诺一生游手好闲,却坐拥万贯家财。他到底得罪了哪些人?他是不是真的如世人所知一无是处?这个家族背后又有怎样不为人知的秘密?神探帕穆带着他搞笑的团队为你揭晓谜底。
  • A young Estonian goes to the Siberian Taiga to live as a hunter in a remote forest hut. He hopes to find his true self far from civilisation. The natives he meets introduce him to the myths of the north. The first is a young village teacher who wants to be a good wife to him. The second is a wild and untameable native …
  • 靜寂之中的細微聲音,通常最能引人深思。有人說,這是以聲音來接近心靈最好的方式,這句話雖然沒錯,但是在現代社會裡無比喧囂擾嚷的環境,我們有多少機會能夠傾聽靜寂?連靜寂都難求,就別說要領略靜寂之中的樂音了。Avro Part的作品,卻提供給我們這樣的機會,讓人重新在寧靜裡尋回自己、檢視自己,在那簡單樸素的合唱樂音之中,洋溢著崇高而…
  • 由二十五个成员国的导演各拍五分钟片段,表现个人观点中欧洲的现在与将来,突显它的自由文化及多元创意。老牌大师杜艾尔怀念恬适的农园生活,中生代如格连纳韦、郭利斯马基演绎历史记录遗民而不失个性。东欧新客心情特别复杂,经济悬殊与种族偏见,使他们怀疑、焦虑、绝望。