- This inspired comedic series goes behind-the-scenes of a Hollywood production when talented Allison "Sonny" Munroe makes the leap from the Midwest to Los Angeles to join the cast of "So Random!," the most popular sketch comedy TV show for kids and tweens. Her fellow young actors are resident teen qu…
- 一对十二岁的双胞胎男孩 Zack(Dylan Sprouse)和Cody(Cole Sprouse)还有他们的妈妈是这所波斯顿高档Tipton酒店的长期住客。在这里,他们认识了新朋友London(Brenda Song)和Maddie(Ashley Tisdale)。Zack和Cody接二连三的恶作剧把Tipton旅馆变成了他们的游乐场。在搞笑、捣蛋、引发混乱的同时,也带着London和 Maddie疯了一回。Ou…
- An animated comedy about two-step brothers who find inventive things to do on each day of their summer vacation such as building a roller coaster out of materials you would find in your everyday home like popsicle sticks, indoor plumbing, etc. Unbeknownst to them, their pet platypus, Perry, leads a double life as a sec…
- 纽约乖乖女Jackie在一场意外失去父母后,母亲的好友Katherine Walter成为了她的监护人,并把她从纽约上东区带到了科罗拉多州的郊区生活——只不过,还有七个Walter家的男孩也同时住在这里,其中有两人还同时喜欢上了Jackie,但她却还是一心想要按照自己既定目标前进:考上普林斯顿、回到纽约——她,能如意吗?这个故事原载于同人小说网站Wat…