搜索 Ashley

  • 《极速前进第二十八季》(The Amazing Race 28),是CBS电视台真人秀节目《极速前进》的第二十八季。本季为社交网络名人特别季,参赛的十一对队伍均为有既定关系的社交媒体红人,他们将为最终大奖——一百万美元进行环球竞赛。11对选手均为社交网络名人,在YouTube, Vine或Instagram小有名气。Tyler Oakley & Korey Kuh…
  • 孤岛生存大乱斗之生化危机
    Total Drama: Revenge of the Island (TDRI for short) is the fourth season of the Total Drama franchise. The series' extension was commissioned by Teletoon from the producers, Fresh TV Inc. It is a sequel to Total Drama Island, Total Drama Action, and Total Drama World Tour and is a parody of reality TV shows, with this …
  • This powerful portrait of the life and career of great American music icon Glen Campbell opens to the viewer the world of the singular talent who created hits like Rhinestone Cowboy, Wichita Lineman and Gentle on My Mind. Winner of the Grammy for Lifetime Achievement and member of the Country Music Hall of Fame, Glen w…
  • Charlie and his little brother Simon live a secluded life, feeding off of the land and surviving on their own. The monotony of their lives remains unchanged: day after day, month after month, yet, something keeps them from growing comfortable, from feeling safe. And all too soon, the nightmare brewing beneath the surfa…
  • 建立于一百年前的埃克赛特疗养院曾经收治许多心理有障碍的青少年,此后入院治疗的病患逐渐攀升,医疗条件则每况愈下,甚至不断爆出青少年被虐待致死的丑闻。如今该疗养院早已废弃,此地闹鬼的传闻却越传越凶,当然这无法吓退那些寻求刺激、胆大妄为的年轻人。某天,帕特里克(Kelly Blatz 饰)和好友罗里(Michael Ormsby 饰)、诺尔斯前往该…
  • 从西伯利亚到东京,模特经纪公司为了寻找愿意做模特的女孩走遍了地球上最偏远的角落。这就是纪录片《模特女孩》(《Girl Model》)的主题,对这个产业不人性的一面进行了最真实的刻画。纪录片电影《Girl Model》这部纪录片介绍整个模特产业链有着十分紧凑的流程,猎头们倾向前往西伯利亚较穷的村落,瞄准那些一心想成名的贫困女童,然后将她们输…
  • Paige is an assassin whose been poisoned by mob boss Chilli Manilli who wants Paige out of the picture. To stay alive Paige must have sex to keep the adrenaline going to suppress the poison.
  • NASA火星探路者勇气号(Spirit)以及机遇号(Opportunity)于2004年成功登陆火星;计划中三个月至半年的寻觅水源之旅,最后演变为长达五年的科学长征。火星探索车跋山涉“水”,跨越千山万岭,深入火山口底部;与沙尘暴抗争,与技术问题作战。没人能想到,这两名勇士能完成这前无古人的探索之旅。《火星五年》跟随它们的脚步,漫游火星,记录下…
  • A suspenseful drama about a young couple on a road trip who get caught in the midst of a worldwide gas shortage.
  • 男与女,情与爱,相聚与分离,憎恶与爱恋,千百年来困扰无数人的难题。几乎没有什么可以称得上永恒的,所谓永恒的爱情也终将随着生命的气息和人们的记忆烟消云散,更何况刹那之间的激情。男人与女人,汹涌人潮中擦肩而过,似是心有灵犀,若有感悟,指尖碰触的刹那宛如电流通过,叩开了彼此的心扉。你追她就跑,你跑她就追,情人之间猫捉老鼠的捉…