- Total Drama: Revenge of the Island (TDRI for short) is the fourth season of the Total Drama franchise. The series' extension was commissioned by Teletoon from the producers, Fresh TV Inc. It is a sequel to Total Drama Island, Total Drama Action, and Total Drama World Tour and is a parody of reality TV shows, with this …
- This powerful portrait of the life and career of great American music icon Glen Campbell opens to the viewer the world of the singular talent who created hits like Rhinestone Cowboy, Wichita Lineman and Gentle on My Mind. Winner of the Grammy for Lifetime Achievement and member of the Country Music Hall of Fame, Glen w…
- Charlie and his little brother Simon live a secluded life, feeding off of the land and surviving on their own. The monotony of their lives remains unchanged: day after day, month after month, yet, something keeps them from growing comfortable, from feeling safe. And all too soon, the nightmare brewing beneath the surfa…