- The Football League Show is a BBC One football television show hosted by Manish Bhasin, featuring highlights from the Championship, League One and League Two. It began on 8 August, 2009, at 11.45pm and immediately follows Match of the Day on Saturdays. Similar to other BBC Sport studio shows, UK-based users of the BBC …
- The wise and experienced maestro in the arts of love imparting his knowledge and techniques to a younger man before he dies.
- Arácnea's residents have been desperately searching for a source of food to save the life of their queen (a big spider). Earth is chosen, since human brains are apparently like health food for alien spiders
- This daring, exciting story from northern Sri Lanka convincingly captures the madness in a land where the psychology of war is omnipresent. Three parallel stories deal with the attempts of ordinary village people to lead a normal life in abnormal circumstances. First feature film of Sanjeewa Pushpakumara.
- In the city of 9 Million people everyone is engulfed in the everyday rat race chasing that almighty dollar. This movie tells the story of one of its own 'Carter Blanche'. Carter has staked his claim to the American dream.