搜索 Atia

  • 电影
    TRANSMITZVAH is a love story between siblings. They exhibit their wounds, exchange the pieces of each other’s puzzle, and complete (or start) the process of reaffirming their own identity. Rubén –the Singmans’ youngest son– challenges trad…
  • A doctor in a village redeems himself after losing his way.
  • 以色列军队的军官候选人在进行课程的最后一项任务,两个女军官在残酷的沙漠荒地艰苦跋涉着,突然其中一人发现她忘记了一件很重要的东西……
  • 莱特是一只可爱的充满活力的小刺猬,她拥有自信的态度和生动的想象力,并且一直梦想着能成为无畏的英雄拯救世界。当有一天,森林里的动物醒来,发现神奇的水石失踪了,森林正面临着干旱,勇敢的刺猬莱特和胆小的松鼠栗宝自告奋勇的踏上寻找水魔法石的旅程,他们穿过了不毛之地,骗过了狡猾的狼群,终于找到了被熊王斑图偷走的神奇水石,开启了一…
  • 电影剧情
    影片为真实故事改编,讲述⼀位年轻的律师巴哈尔,回到了家乡⼩镇。在恐怖分⼦的⼀次袭击中,她丈夫死了,她和孩⼦,还有数千名妇⼥被抓到了监狱⾥。从监狱逃跑后,她组织指挥了“太阳的⼥⼈”这个⼥⼦军队。她们的目标是夺回被占领的⼩镇,救回被当作⼈质的⼉⼦。在她身边的玛蒂尔德,是一位经验 丰富的战地记者。玛蒂尔德紧密跟进太阳的女人这…
  • An AWOL soldier with PTSD goes into hiding. Along with his brother and a few friends they retreat into a rural farm area unaware that the outside world has stopped functioning. On their way back to civilization, his brother is attacked and bitten by an infected farmer. The brother quickly turns into a rabid animal and …
  • A journalism student travels with her boyfriend to Chiloé, a remote Patagonia island in the south of Chile, to investigate the connection that exists between the great number of sexual related crimes and the myths 'n' legends that surround…
  • The animal is in motion, it is impossible to hold it. The bodies vibrate, dance and desire.
  • Chef and inventor Homaro Cantu helped put Chicago on the culinary map when he opened his first restaurant "Moto" and became a celebrity chef in his late twenties. A renowned inventor and social entrepreneur, Cantu innovated his restaurants and tackled big problems from Americans' love affair with refined suga…
  • Comedian/musician Reggie Watts brings viewers along on a one-of-a-kind surrealist experimental comedy adventure. The completely improvised show weaves together sketches, short stories, and dream sequences creating a truly unique experience. Filmed live on a soundstage in Los Angeles, Watts waxes poetic about flight, gr…