- 春日局(松下由树 饰)去世八年,大奥在阿万夫人(瀬戸朝香 饰)的统领下井井有条,阿乐(京野ことみ 饰)、阿夏(野波麻帆 饰)和阿玉(星野真里 饰)三位夫人精心抚养教育各自的孩子,江户内外一片祥和安宁。然而在庆安四年,三代将军德川家光(西岛秀俊 饰)积劳成疾,一病不起。关于继承人这个敏感话题开始甚嚣尘上,令阿万倍感不安。某日,…
- Teruko, an elderly lady lives alone in the Japanese countryside of Niigata. She becomes delighted when a man comes to visit her house to deliver a golden package. She mistakes him for her childhood friend, but he's a con-man selling fake pills... The ensuing comedy of wit between the two characters plays upon social pr…