- 每天都过着迷茫生活的大学生小西,和校内唯一的朋友山根和澡堂的打工伙伴打闹。 有一天下课,被团子头樱田端庄的样子所吸引,下定决心打招呼,机缘巧合下,两人很快一拍即合。 在对话不断的情况下,“我想每天都很开心。 我想我最喜欢今天的天空。”樱田不经意间说出的话刺痛了心。 奇怪的是,那句话和半年前去世的祖母的话一样。 就在这时,改…
- The plot introduces us to a psychologist who suggests to three couples that they engage in a group session, where they will have to analyse each other without her being present. In order to do so, she has left them a number of envelopes containing instructions on the things they have to address. The method she has prop…
- Over centuries, lay songs have had a central place in Norwegian culture. This film is about a small community, high up in the mountains near Hardangervidda, where this musical tradition is understood and continued to this day. Through these songs, people around Møsvatn create meaningful stories about their lives, formi…