- Äsende Elche im inneren Ural, geschmeidige Amur-Tiger am Pazifikstrand, kämpfende Riesenseeadler in Kamtschatka, Eisbären auf der Jagd in der Arktis oder munter tauchende Robben im Baikalsee. Die atemberaubende
- 在民主德国的意识形态将同性恋视为资产阶级道德腐朽的残余的情况下,男同性恋如何且如何得以生活在民主德国的社会主义环境中?尽管同性恋自五十年代以来已摆脱法律惩罚,但环境的谴责以及顺应社会和性自由造成的压力依然存在。影片中包括作为个人主义者的理发师、曾建立同性恋协会的东德网络的神职人员等六名不同背景的男性公开谈论各自的社会经…
- Rusty Wittenburg is a Navy SEAL struggling to balance his family life and his job. He fights daily to maintain the line between reality and the nightmares his PTSD conjures up for him. Dedicated to his team and his mission, he is willing to give the ultimate sacrifice for his fellow brothers and teammates.
- From living a normal life to surviving homelessness in the city of Miami, Peter is a victim of the turbulent US recession during late 2000's. A drama based on true events. A heartbreaking chronicle witnessing a drastic character transformation when he is exposed to the harsh cruelties the streets reveal.