- 麦克斯(Constantin von Jascheroff 饰)一直梦想着自己能够成为一名歌手并且组建属于自己的摇滚乐团,为了实现这个梦想,麦克斯一直在不懈的努力着。英格(宝拉·卡伦贝格 Paula Kalenberg 饰)是麦克斯的同班同学,她是一个非常非常特立独行的女孩,有着深邃的思想和高洁的灵魂。桀骜不驯的英格和放荡不羁的麦克斯之间因为种种误会而产生了矛…
- Taste is our most indulgent sense but it is only in recent years that we have started to understand why we really love the foods we do - and it is a lot more surprising than you might think.There may a way to make food taste sweeter without adding any extra sugar and it is all down to a trick that happens in your brain…