- Karlheinz Stockhausen challenged all artistic conventions and everyone around him in a 26-year project to write the opera of them all. A musical maverick, light years ahead of time and place.
- An uplifting documentary about coping with inoperable cancer may sound unlikely, but here it is. Gordon was diagnosed eight years ago and began using the medium of queer comic books to confront his feelings and fears. He employs humour to get to the heart of taboos surrounding death and disease, weaving many of the won…
- 作为巡逻车队的成员,警车马特和消防车弗兰克总是在所有汽车和卡车需要帮助的时候出现。每当一辆推土机、拖拉机、垃圾车、救护车、公共汽车、或是任何施工卡车像大脚卡车需要帮助时,巡逻车队总是为它们全力解决安全问题。巡逻车的成员们是真正的城市英雄! 这部专为孩子们准备的汽车卡通片将是所有对汽车感兴趣的小朋友们的绝佳选择!
- 《电子梦:菲利普狄克的世界》是一部科幻文集系列,由十部雄心壮志、感人心悬的史诗独立剧集组成,每一部都设定在一个与众不同的独特世界里。有些是在遥远的宇宙和时间深处,而另一些则是在离家不远的地方。尽管这些故事都可能是天渊之别,但每个故事的中心,都是对人性的意义和重要性深刻而温暖的探索。每一集都受到菲利普狄克的著名短篇小说所…