搜索 Avan

  • 艾妮(矢作纱友里 配音)是出生在弱小又贫困的国家伊纳科的公主。为了保护自己的祖国不被强大的别国侵犯剥削,艾妮决定前往塞连法连,在那里和军事国家米历德尼亚以及宗教国家塞连法连签订和平条约。本以为这只是一场简单的旅途,没想到在塞连法连遇到的笨蛋王子们让艾妮惹了一身的麻烦。常常沉浸在自己的世界中的那雷克(石川界人 配音)、拥有…
  • 电影生活
  • 泰琳巴克是個年輕女孩,卻被過去的痛苦糾纏著。因為妹妹的死亡,她發現了潛藏在愛爾蘭都柏林表象社會下的邪教次文化,也因此被邪教首腦佛斯塔福挾持,最後被一群惡魔獵人拯救;並獲得了打擊惡魔的能力。七年之後,泰琳在一件殺人案中被視為嫌疑人,被警探貝克特帶回警局。然而,泰琳聲稱死者是惡魔,且警告貝克特佛斯塔福想佔有人類靈魂。最後,…
  • While transporting the unstoppable killer Bonejangles to an asylum, a group of police officers encounter a hellish pit stop: a cursed town where the dead rise from their graves. Now the only way to save their lives and the town is to release Bonejangles and fight the curse...with something much worse.
  • Four women from different regions develop friendships during a bus journey across West Africa, as they accomplish an everyday journey while facing the universal challenge of being independent women.
  • Beautiful Radha lives in a small hill-station in India. One day, Mahesh comes for sight-seeing, both meet, fall in love with each other, get intimate, and Mahesh promises to return, marry her and take her with him to live in Bombay. He does not return, Radha continues to search for him in every train that stops at Sham…
  • 房地产商巴拉特,个头高又易怒,宛如年轻时的阿米塔巴强(大B),故别名巴强,因狂乱杀人而遭逮捕。他在刑警的侦讯下,娓娓道出缘由,而当刑警向有关人证搜集证据时,却又意外扯出了一连串谜团,到底熟真熟假?巴拉特为何杀人?刑警能理出头绪来吗?
  • 电影剧情
    The film starts out with a young taxi driver who runs into his drunken father at a horse race. They go back to the younger man’s apartment where his girlfriend is wandering around butt-naked, and the father attacks her. Later the taxi driv…