- 跨齡差距的結伴青春旅行 走訪在地文化行銷台灣! 全台唯一!跨世代明星旅遊實境節目! 節目透過2位花甲明星 2位少年偶像,以明星自由行為基底衍生出的旅程,讓景點更添加了故事性與生命力!有關規劃的景點與推薦的美食都注入明星們的觀點,令節目充滿想像力! 世代差異的旅遊個性,激盪出充滿意外行的實境自助旅行,旅程中將透過半記錄式的拍攝…
- Don't let the title fool you. (Or let it?) The definitive fantasy documentary of a hypersexualised society. Bel Gatti can’t have sex, so her therapist suggests she make a film about it, turning her supposed external trauma into a boomeran…
- Plans, visualizations, archival photographs and contemporary shots of Ludwig Mies van der Rohe's New National Gallery in Berlin – a perfect cube of glass and steel – melt, intertwine and deform in the reflection of Miroslav Haldina's music…
- Best friends Ruth and Megan run a vintage shop in Muswell Hill. Stumbling across a time machine, they embark on trips to the past to stock their shop with no idea of the irreparable damage they're causing to the fabric of the universe.
- Sitting at the moviola beside the critic Thierry Jousse, we analyse the cinema of John Cassavetes, from his first to his last work as a director. In this film essay, Jousse’s insight and passion take us inside the creative universe of Cassavetes, a wholly modern body of work, capable of opening up paths that were previ…