- Gina Dickson, a young mother in Yorkshire, has thrown out her abusive husband but goes to a loan-shark to pay off her debts. But Gina can't find work, and there's no one to look after the children. She meets Carol, a prostitute who teaches Gina how to "work The Lane", and introduces her to the world of ponces…
- 皮特•西格是美国著名民歌歌手,二十年代中期民歌复兴运动的先驱,有“美国现代民歌之父”之称。本片记录了皮特•西格音乐的一生,包括他的家庭背景、学习民歌的经历和对民歌复兴的贡献。影片尤其重点描述了皮特•西格年轻时期加入共产党的经历及因此在二战后麦卡锡“红色恐怖”时代所受到的不公待遇,包括失去歌手工作,不许对成人进行民歌教育…
- Rock star Charlotte Smith quits at the height of her fame and buys the American diner on the outskirts of her home town so she can settle down with her builder boyfriend David Doyle. He invites his daft elder brother Kidder to become the chef while the nervous Ronnie gives up her life as "Charlotte" in a copy…