- Documenting the events of one tumultuous year, Datuna:Portrait of America follows the compelling journey of artist David Datuna as he pursues a dream of cultural and artistic freedom in his adopted country, the United States. An emigre from the former USSR, the incredible trek traces his steps from Miami, New York and …
- 98岁的陈玉平(Grace Lee Boggs)是一位生活在底特律的作家、倡权者和哲学家。这是一部关于她的思想、倡权行动和生活的纪录片《美国革命:陈玉平的演进》(American Revolutionary: The Evolution of Grace Lee Boggs)。陈玉平出生于1915年,父母是移民,经营中餐馆。陈玉平从小生活舒适,但感到社会需要变革。她毕业于伯纳德学院,后在布林莫…