- Positano is an island of the Amalfi Coast that Neptune would have, according to legend, created for the love of a nymph. And it is of love that this film speaks above all, a total and solar love in which family and friends are seized in the same poetic field. Perched on the rocks of the island, the house of Frédéric Pa…
- n the 1950's rock and roll becomes very popular around the world. But in Russia, that kind of music is banned. Only, Alexi, a teenager with great musical talent, receives from his travel ling uncle rock records and his friend decides to make copies to sell on the black market. Alexi falls in love with the daughter of a…
- 《辛普森一家20周年3D特别版》节目,该片由获得奥斯卡提名的电影制作人摩根斯普尔洛克(Morgan Spurlock,《超级汉堡王》、《厄夜三十》)担任制片和导演。这部特别版的纪录片将为“永远的辉煌20年”活动画上一个圆满的句号,这项长达一年的全球性的庆祝活动开始于2009年1月,并将在20周年系列剧首映时达到高潮。在《辛普森一家20周年3D特别…