搜索 Azari

  • 纳萨林(弗朗西斯科•拉瓦尔 Francisco Rabal 饰)是一名将自己的全部都奉献给了上帝的神父,他放弃了教堂里优渥的条件,心甘情愿的前往环境十分糟糕的偏僻村庄布道。然而,纳萨林的虔诚却并没有换来应有的尊敬,因为帮助了犯下了谋杀罪行的妓女安达拉(Rita Macedo 饰),纳萨林遭到了信徒的唾弃和教会的驱逐。然而,纳萨林并没有放弃信仰。安…
  • In a series of simple and joyous vignettes, director Roberto Rossellini and co-writer Federico Fellini lovingly convey the universal teachings of the People's Saint: humility, compassion, faith, and sacrifice. Gorgeously photographed to evoke the medieval paintings of Saint Francis's time, and cast with monks from the …
  • Arash is an Iranian academic who lives in the West. He returns to Iran to teach in Chiraz, a city far from Tehran where his mother lives. Drawn into a series of domestic and financial dramas, he is reminded of the hardships of his childhood at the start of the Iran-Iraq War in 1981. Following the death of his father an…
  • 影片用诗意笔调描述在雾中提着等待的女子的故事,是一部自然、光线和音乐构成的电影,每幅画面都似一幅绘画。导演Panahbarkhoda Rezaee生于1977年,此前只执导过短片。
  • Springfield's theme park Krustyland, run by Krusty the Clown, is opening it's newest roller coaster, the upsy-downsy spins-aroundsy teen-operated thrill ride is opening, and in this ...http://www.renrendianyingwang.cn
  • 劫富帮是一伙人,他们在光天化日之下的德黑兰街头,专门绑架并勒索了那些通过腐败和侵占国家资金成为富裕家庭的孩子,他们劫富济贫,电影开始于个别团伙成员的供述,以及社会学家、人权活动人士和政治强硬派的采访。通过他们的证词,讲述了一个在贫富差距极大、男尊女卑、宗教文化下的关于复仇及宽恕的故事。他同样讲述了一个爱情故事,由外部环…
  • 荣获观众电影奖,2010年哈梅丹国际儿童影展的最佳电影,最佳童星与最佳导演。阿巴斯‧马拉帝安的第一部电影,故事温馨感人,剧情描述Behrouz梦想赢得一辆脚踏车, 为此他参加了足球比赛。
  • It's 1997 and Afghanistan is controlled by the Taliban. Seventeen-year-old Jalil Nazari finds refuge in Iran, where he ekes out an existence doing odd jobs. One day luck comes his way and he lands the starring role in an Iranian feature film.
  • 爱情自由人
    艾利克斯(汉克·阿扎利亚 Hank Azaria 饰)刚刚结束一段折磨他已久的糟糕婚姻,失去另一半这件已成事实的事情带给这个男人沉重的打击,以至于他感到自己的整个世界都碎裂了。和艾利克斯的遭遇相似,海伦(凯瑟琳·哈恩 Kathryn Hahn 饰)也刚刚失去了自己挚爱的未婚夫,虽然表面上装的像个没事人一样,但实际上,她的心也再也无法完整。在机缘…