搜索 Aïna

  • A Neuro who can see the future warns Jane and the team of their impending death on the day they arrest him. Meanwhile, the team is disturbed by the psychic's purchases
  • 因为母亲得到机会去经营一个农场,一直生活在城市里的12岁的男孩派特不得不和父母一起搬到乡下居住,虽然他不想当“农民”,但别无选择,临行前,他答应和好友通过手机短信保持联系。在村子入口,一只公牛拦住了去路,一个黑发女孩帮一家人解了围。一日,派特跑到只有手机信号覆盖的山顶上给好友发图片短信,返回的途中看到一个男人在虐待他的狗…
  • A man, Simon Connolly, has the ability to take someone's skill, experience and memories, merely by touching them. This Neuro also has the ability to transfer knowledge for a short time to other persons as well. Riley Jensen has suffered from an encounter from this Neuro, so not only has Riley lost his memories and abil…
  • The Team tracks a Neuro who can re-animate the dead. Jane and the others suspect terrorist intent when the dead are sent to steal military grade weapons and equipment, but they begin to second guess their theory when the dead start stealing sports equipment. Jane and the team suspect that the Neuro is trying to fill so…
  • Jane Vasco with the help of a new covert government unit must track down and contain the spread of "Neuros," genetically altered humans with extraordinary powers.
  • 《早安,再見》為羅斯·梅爾1967年作品。富翁巴特娶了少婦安吉拉做老婆,安吉拉因為愛上了巴特的財富才委身下嫁給這老頭。婚後發現,巴特什麼都能滿足她,但是年老力衰,沒有滿意的性生活,以至於安吉拉尋找第三者,一個野蠻強壯名叫斯通的礦工。有一天巴特在叢林裡遇上了一個不會說話的神秘女人,這個女人改變了他的人生...
  • 剪了一头羊的毛,宰了一头猪,砍了一棵树,捕了一网鱼,盖了一座芦苇小屋……在导演伯格曼最后生活的小岛上,人口稀少环境闭塞而呈现出萧索的景象,但在纪录片形式拍摄下,也象征一种希望。喧嚣的城市让人浮躁太多,反而更使得安静的小岛可以达到人生的另一种状态。
  • 罗斯·梅尔作品。在偷走一大笔珠宝后, 前任侦探 Barney Rickert 来到亚利桑那州的一个度假牧场躲避. 当牧场主 Dewey Hoople 拒绝把土地卖给 Rickert时, 他觉得一一诱惑住在那里的女人赢得她们的心使她们站在他一边, 于是一场危险的游戏开始了, Rickert 义无反顾地要夺得他所想要的...
  • 丹尼尔医生是一个再平凡不过的人,在他的生活中,扮演着丈夫、父亲和医生的角色。但当地却盛行一些与他有关的传说,说他从来不生病也不会变老。二个勇敢的医学院学生为了证实这个传说的真假来到这里,决定找出传说中的青春之泉。
  • 电影生活