- On July 4th, 2016 hackers raided government networks and stumbled across a litany of unsolved cases the county refuses to recognize. The hacked footage shows Thomas and Alex as they attempt to help a young boy struggling to fit in.
- This documentary on The UFO Phenomenon aims to show that some UFOs may be extraterrestrial and that secrecy and ridicule are regularly employed to keep the truth about UFOs hidden.
- 罗马大将军泰特斯•安德洛尼克斯征战哥特人十年凯旋而归,并俘虏了哥特人皇后塔摩拉及她的儿子们。泰特斯把塔摩拉的长子当作祭品以慰他在战事中死去的十多位儿子。塔摩拉苦苦哀求却无法求得泰特斯的慈悲。自此,她对泰特斯恨之入骨。命运难料,罗马帝王取塔摩拉为后,得势的塔摩拉在嬖奴阿伦的帮助下,开始了对泰特斯的血腥报复。这出被称为莎士…