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  • 这部电影讲述的是1915年奥斯曼帝国对亚美尼亚人的屠杀,而土耳其政府官方是不承认历史上曾经屠杀过150万亚美尼亚人的。该片参加了2007年柏林电影节。柏林《世界》报发表了一篇彼得·赞德的文章,其中提到“《云雀农场》的出现正是时候——在亚美尼亚记者Hrant Dink被谋杀以后,在诺贝尔文学奖帕慕克受到威胁以后。该影片本能成为本次柏林电影节…
  • 谋财管委会是西班牙大导演:阿莱克斯·德拉·伊格莱希亚, 於2000年的作品,由一件简单谋财意外展开序幕,有的人放弃高薪工作不肯搬离,有人耗费毕生精神监视着这裡,彼此窥看监视,无所不用其极想吞了一笔钱, 却因为一个女仲介不小心发现了这笔庞大的钱财, 因而惊动了整栋楼的住户,内心深处的贪婪与猜忌, 淹没了整个社区大楼, 正所谓『人为财死 …
  • HEADER portrays the grueling psychological journey taken by ATF Agent Stewart Cummings. On the surface, Stewart struggles to solve a string of bizarre murders, but in secret, his life falls into a world of corruption that's impossible to escape. Deceit, rape, and murder spiral out of control triggering a hellish conclu…
  • I remember seeing this little film in the theater. It was a second run theater and this was the second part of a double feature with "The Abyss" which I had actually gone to see. I stuck around for this, not expecting much as Burt reynolds didn't have much a career going at this point. Boy, was I surprised! T…
  • A man opens fire on the statue of the Virgin during the 15th August procession. Barricaded in his home with his wife and daughter, he continues to shoot wildly. He refuses to open the door to the carabinieri and he refuses everything he needs, including water.关于导演:In the turn of the 1960’s and 70’s Italian cinema was p…
  • 电影
  • 影片讲述了歌剧《唐璜》(Don Giovanni)创作过程中发生的故事,中心人物并不是天才莫扎特,而是通常被忽视的词作家达彭特。达彭特的的人生就如歌剧中人物一样丰富多彩。犹太血统的他被迫改信基督教并接受牧师的训练,然而放荡不羁的他同情妇生了一个孩子。置谴责于不顾的达彭特又开了一家妓院,并因此被逐出威尼斯。来到维也纳之后,达彭特很快…
  • 一支来自意大利的摄制组,走遍世界各地拍摄不同种族女性的生活瞬间。这里有以色列的女兵、好莱坞的模特、香港的卖春女、世界唯一的做弥撒的女性。也记录了不同的风俗和文化,比如巴黎的浪漫情侣每到国庆日便会在公开场合亲吻,查泽莱伯鲁吉亚的女性则在某个英雄忌日当天亲吻他的大理石像,塔希提岛的女人则生来能歌善舞,舞蹈贯穿她们的一生。而…
  • A film about self-destruction, romance, and everlasting friendship: Ossy and Jimmy are childhood friends from Copenhagen and together they share an experience of a wild life in Thailand. Some years ago Jimmy gave that life up and settled in Iceland, where he now lives the life of ordinary people: a steady job, a wife, …