搜索 Baldwin

  • 年仅14的Robbie Hendrick的理想只是一个完整的家——奶奶,哥哥Lucas,同母异父的弟弟Fess,他还有妈妈。但Lucas终年在外游荡,他们精神状态不甚稳定的妈妈因害怕自己崩溃再度离家出走。Robbie一肩担起了照顾弟弟的职责。   密西西比又一夏,Lucas意外回家小住。Robbie只盼妈妈早日回来便能一家团圆。但是妈妈未见踪影,Lucas却游手好闲…
  • 24岁的波士顿大学医学院学生马可夫(Philip Markoff)利用Craigslist广告, 欺骗从事**交易的女子上勾,然后在旅馆中抢劫她们, 甚至残忍的谋杀她们。媒体叫他Craigslist网站杀手, 一连串的案件令警方及社会陷入深深的不安…“The Craigslist Killer” follows the dark, mysterious life Philip Markoff …
  • 乔恩带加菲去看美丽的兽医丽丝,丽丝建议加菲节食,加菲很郁闷地回到家,但乔恩却激动万分地匆忙打理,原来丽丝答应了乔恩的约会请求,将来家里共享感恩节晚宴,谁知。。。
  • In their own words, and not a moment too soon - 'Broadway' tells the stories of our theatrical legends, how they came to New York, and how they created this legendary century in American theatre. This may be the last chance that these stories may be documented, for unlike film and television, live theatre exists only i…
  • A young man discovers a mysterious mirror and begins to have disturbing visions of forbidden passion and brutal murder. But when he also finds a beautiful woman back from the dead and a detective with a thirst for revenge, the real terror has only just begun. The mirror sees all...but what shocking secrets will it reve…
  • Geoff Schaaf's thriller Shelter Island features a couple who have attempted to get away from it all at their vacation home at the place where the film takes its title; however, the vacation takes a sinister turn when weather makes contact … Read More...with the outside world impossible, and a mysterious stranger begins…
  • 鲍比·乔瓦尼是一个心急如焚的警察侦探,也是一个过激的父亲。他为自己的过去所困扰,为妻子的去世而哀悼,他通过服用维柯丁和其他处方药来补偿。在发现谁谋杀了他的妻子后,他寻求报复,因为社会服务带走了他的孩子!
  • 弗兰克、斯文和斯迈利这三位传奇保镖的传记有点像这座被分割的城市转变为一个政党大都会的道路和迂回路线图。这部电影记录了柏林文化史上一段激动人心的历史——从柏林墙倒塌到脉动的现在。20世纪80年代末,法兰克·K·恩斯特从西德来到柏林,在那里,美国G.I.斯迈利·鲍德温(Smiley Baldwin)守卫着东柏林的边界,而墙另一边的年轻朋克和摄影…
  • 电影