- The time is the Russian Revolution. The place is a country burdened with fear - the midnight knock at the door, the bread hidden against famine, the haunted eyes of the fleeing, the grublike fat of the appeasers and oppressors. In a bitter struggle of the individual against the collective, three people stand forth with…
- When Sardinian-Australian Lisa Camillo, an anthropologist and film director, returns to Sardinia, an island of Italy, after an 18 year absence to find her homeland decimated by mysterious bombings, she uncovers a secret NATO mission with devastating consequences for her people and for future generations.‘Balentes’ is a…
- The thing that waits under your bed, hides in the closet, stalks your dreams - is waiting for you. At least Emma Wright knew that at the age of 7 when she was wrongly accused of murdering her sister. Emma knew it was the Stickman. After years of isolation, she finally has her demons under control and is released to liv…
- At the heart of the Apollo program was the special team in Mission Control who put a man on the moon and helped create the future.
- 本片根据雾社事件史实改编。 1895年,《马关条约》割让台湾之后,日本遂即武力接收台湾,宝岛各地纷纷被攻破。而台湾山区因道路不通,原住民生活尚暂未受影响,雾社地区的赛德克人之中,马赫坡年轻一代的莫那鲁道(游大庆 饰)英勇过人,率族群与甘卓万人争斗不休。日人垂涎雾社地区的 丰富资源,试图染指但遭到赛德克人强烈抵抗,伤亡惨重,…
- 莫那鲁道(林庆台 饰)率领族人在公学斩杀异族血祭祖灵后,拥有了通过彩虹桥的资格,剩下来的,就是在英勇战斗后从容赴死。在日本方面,雾社的消息很快传达各处,陆军少将镰田弥彦率军队与警察组成的联合部队,迅速发起讨伐。马赫坡等社分头行动,利用地形优势和灵活战术给予日军先头部队重大杀伤。山地警小岛(安藤政信 饰)利用个人威望和部族…