The plot revolves around three lives - a superstar, a young director and a theatre actress - and how their coming together during the process of making a film, changes them forever. The film is also a humble tribute to Satyajit Ray's Nayak.
Mrinalini, an ageing actress, writes a suicide note. As a performer, the first lesson she had learnt was timing – the perfect moment for making an entrance or an exit on stage. On the stage of life, her entrance had been outside her contro…
大地之歌(The Song Of The Earth)世界上的人类文明虽然各不相同,可是每种人类文明都有各种音乐形式。人类离不开音乐。那么,音乐是如何诞生的呢?它是否有什么生物学上的起因呢?人类的音乐和动物的“音乐”之间是否有什么本质上的关系呢?带着这些疑问,大卫将带领我们踏上一段探寻音乐之源的奇妙旅程。