- 「我們在經歷末世災難。」被極權指控的吹哨人,與愛侶被迫逃亡。縱身下墜時 空迷離異境,看電影看有人在看電影,彷徨於大衛哥連堡不安、疏離、困惑的科 幻拼貼,被警察追捕的驚慄轉描卻如斯實在。現實太複雜,唯有靠虛構讓它變 真;任潛意識奔流入塔可夫斯基《鏡子》的故鄉,穿越娥蘇拉勒瑰恩的文字世界 森林,在神秘目眩的影像迷宮裏尋索。巴歷…
- A reporter on assignment stumbles into a lost underground society and finds himself lost in a labyrinth of twisting tunnels, inhabited by performers, actors, philosophers and other mysterious figures. His journey of discovery involves negotiating his way out while convincing the Arcadians that his story poses no threat…