搜索 Bari

  • Imam Hasan, his wife Hacer and his daughter Fatma arrive at Karaaðaçli, a small railway village in the middle of the Anatolian wilderness. Besides carrying out the duties of the Iman, Hasan will be teaching religion to the children of the …
  • Flashback story of an escape from the lonely, high-security Dartmoor Prison. A jealous barber's assistant is enraged by the attentions that his manicurist girlfriend pays to a customer. He threatens the customer with an open razor and lands in gaol.
  • 电影生活
    卡林(瑞扎·纳基 Reza Najie 饰)靠在驼鸟养殖场打工赚钱勉强养家糊口,听力有障碍的女儿在考试前却弄丢了助听器,儿子则和一帮年纪相仿的孩子梦想着弄干净烂泥塘,然后养金鱼赚钱变成百万富翁。重新买助听器需要一大笔钱,本想跟老板预支工资的卡林却因为工作中的疏忽弄丢一只驼鸟而遭老板辞退。丢了工作的卡林四处寻找那只逃跑的驼鸟,可是最…
  • 莱奥内是一个才华出众的野外摄影家,他人到中年,既要忙事业,又照顾孩子,忙得不可开交。女上司玛尔塔曾经是他的情人,因误会分手。莱奥内准备重新追求玛尔塔。得知玛尔塔手要派人去亚马逊拍摄野生动物,为了得到这个难得的机会,他一方面大献殷勤,一方面决定送孩子们去夏令营。却遭到了孩子们的坚决反对。无奈的莱奥内改变了主意,决定带孩子…
  • Two years after her husband's death, Christine Faber (Lynn Bari) thinks she hears her late husband (Donald Curtis) calling out of the surf on the beach one night. She meets a tall dark man named Alexis (Turhan Bey) who seems to know all about her.After more ghostly manifestations, Christine and her younger sister (Cath…
  • A docu-drama following a city-dweller who tries to simplify his life by moving to a smallholding (like a acreage) in England. The series combines educational material of him building shelters, raising crops and animals, mending his belongings and such, with humorous interactions with his eccentric neighbors.
  • Series following an exercise in self-sufficiency at a West Dorset smallholding.
  • 电影生活
    故事发生在新贝德福镇,15岁的比莉(Lana Rockwell 饰)和她11岁的弟弟尼克(Nico Rockwell 饰)与母亲及男朋友在海边别墅度过了夏天。比莉将歌手比莉荷莉戴视为偶像,她努力应对家庭生活的挑战,照顾弟弟。一次偶然中,比莉和尼克结识了一个少年,于是,姐弟两人决定离开家,和少年一起开始了一段离家出走的冒险之旅。在旅途中,他们探索了新贝…
  • K314监狱岛,是帕斯费卡公司投资建造的监狱,后来遭到遗弃,里边的犯人以及后代,都纷纷的想离开这个人间地狱。于是,故事就从一名叫艾微的女子身上开始,讲述关于这个活地狱的一切恩恩冤冤。
  • 电影动作