搜索 Barker

  • A coming-of-age film about two sixty-year-old best buddies who should have come-of-age a long time ago. When Marriage and Family Therapists, Dave and Joel, set off for a San Francisco Therapy Conference, with the intention of hiring Escorts as an escape from their own failing marriages, they wind up in the pathway of a…
  • 刚毕业就面临失业的艾莉森拒绝靠爸,决定先搬进空荡多年的祖传老家待业,怎知工作还没著落,屋内却冒出一堆怪物,吓得她赶紧求助「超自然现象终结者」,将家裡好好清理一番。终结者二人组戴斯蒙与杰克,拎著一罐盐巴上门就说要打怪,虽然还真的三两下解决掉怪物,但在他们接著巡视四周时,发现更大尾的还在后头…
  • 一个家庭在加勒比度假时遭遇灾难性的转变,一个父亲发现自己受一个冷血渔夫的摆布,于是他不顾一切地争分夺秒地去救他的妻子和儿子。
  • 英国维多利亚住宅狩
    A 1999 English family volunteers to spend three months in a restored Victorian house, which recreates life for the middle class of 1900. The family must wear period clothes, and not use any conveniences or products that was not available to a family of their class in 1900. The camera follows the members about as they s…
  • 阶级与文化
    Melvyn Bragg explores the relationship, from 1911 to 2011, between class and culture.
  • 电视剧剧情
  • 全美超模大赛第九季
  • 全美超模大赛第十六季
    欢迎大家加入全美超模小站!!!http://site.douban.com/165095/本季作为特邀嘉宾出席的来自高级时尚圈的业内评审有:国际知名时装设计师Lana Marks、身兼模特及造型师二职的Erin Wasson、造型师Rachel Zoe、苏丹模特∕女演员Alek Wek、造型师∕创意顾问Lori Goldstein、意大利摄影师Frances co Carrozzini、时尚超…
  • 全彩太平洋战争