搜索 Barnes

  • 甲流(H1N1)病毒爆发,致令全世界陷入一片末世的恐慌之中。但在这一巨大灾难面前,人类的丑恶与贪婪愈加彰显无遗。亿万女富豪出资资助格雷夫曼教授(乔·扎索 Joe Zaso 饰)的医学研究小组,要他研究甲流病毒的变种,开发最为强大的病毒。虽多少受着良心上的苛责,但格雷夫曼依然继续他的实验,并且不惜拿活人作观察标本。与此同时,品学兼优、…
  • Troubled by an unnatural temptation, a young Mormon missionary must confess the humiliating depths of his pornography addiction.
  • 莉莉是名不漂亮的女孩,因此无法参加姐妹联谊会并被其他同学欺负,此时正好有一个魔鬼来帮助她,将她化妆成美女,但魔鬼却趁她昏迷时利用她杀人,后来别莉莉发现,于是智取魔鬼并将它变成了百年前的原形,自己也重新拾回人生的信心....
  • 警长约翰·科贝特(李·范·克里夫 饰)奉命追捕被控奸杀了一名12岁少女的库齐奥(托马斯·米兰 饰)。虽然警长当差多年经验丰富,但库齐奥狡猾无比,多次从科贝特的手中逃走。不过在二人多次交锋后,警长却逐渐从库齐奥口中听到了完全不一样的故事。
  • Graham Braithwaite (Kim Coates) is a violinist in a B.C. symphony. Unfortunately the symphony folds and much to his horror and disdain, he's forced to get a gig with a country band as the bassist. He has to leave the city and his girlfriend, Jane, to tour the B.C. interior with Frank Hay (Jim Byrnes) and his band. At f…
  • 2002年的中东战争之后,一群在前线杀敌无数的特种部队回到正常生活中,却出现许多不适应的现象。根据军情局所保存的真实档案指出,部分特种部队在脱离前线之后出现反常症状,变得极度焦虑而且反社会化,一个特殊案例更出现亲手屠杀自己同袍后自杀的残酷事实,本片详实纪录事件前因后果,探寻致命关键。
  • An abusive pig farmer meets his match in a young boy who survives beatings and starvation to strike back and escape. But the farmer isn't the only one who pays, a small North Western town is about to learn the powerful consequences of the negligence and terror all around them.