搜索 Barnet

  • 威尔弗雷德·欧文永远的纪念
    Jeremy Paxman tells the tragic story of World War One poet Wilfred Owen. At a time of jingoism and wartime propaganda, one Shropshire lad was compelled to tell the truth. Jeremy Paxman travels to the battlefields of France to discover how the ugliest and most terrible arena imaginable gave birth to some of the most poi…
  • 爱情盲选第一季
  • 辐射启示录第一季
    在圣地亚哥展会上由MechanicalCake TV展示了一段《辐射》真人剧集的试播版,试播影片采取倒叙手法,一位年老的幸存者回顾了他在核爆后的种种遭遇:在他年轻时,他的母亲曾经送给他一个“哔哔小子”作为生日礼物,在他把玩“哔哔小子”的时候,他收到了一条神秘讯息。这改变了他的命运,也撕碎了他原本平静的生活。
  • 工作不便第一季
    Katherine is a civil servant working on strategies to help immigrants. When public sector cuts force her to move from London to a satellite office in Northampton, she soon finds that she too feels like a stranger in a strange land.
  • This shocking investigation into the world's water crisis, draws upon the work of scientists and activists including the real Erin Brockovich, from Academy Award-winning director Jessica Yu and the producer's of "Food, Inc."
  • “也许我什么都改变不了,但是我可以尝试”,生活没有电影或漫画的戏剧性,这只是一群有正义感和超级英雄情结的年轻人在做自己内心想做的事情,一些身边力所能及的善事。某些瞬间甚至会觉得他们很傻,但无可否认的是社会很需要这种傻,HBO的这部纪录片给力了。
  • 电影
  • 电影灾难
  • Six years after Michail Gorbachev set the Soviet Union on the path to democracy and economic reform, the nation is torn apart by a three day coup that changes the future of the Soviet Union forever. On the eve of these tumultuous events, Mikhail and Dalia arrive in Moscow to be married. She's Lithuanian. He's Russian, …