搜索 Barro

  • 电影喜剧
  • The first scenes are set in some deserted beach along the east coast of Spain, perhaps in the late 70's, early 80's. Toni, the not-so-well-behaved brother is left abandoned there by his brother Charli and Toni's girlfriend Julia. Ten years later, Charli is a successful insurance salesman, and he´s married to Julia. The…
  • Ms. Violante Miranda is a bordello owner who raises a small girl as her own granddaughter. When she gets a little older, she is sent to study in Europe, and when she returns, she becomes a socialite, rejecting her previous milieu and her "grandmother".In 1932, in Sao Paulo, when the sick whore Rosita (Célia C…
  • 19世纪:学者Karl Schiller认为他发现了Nibelungen的戒指,它拥有强大的力量。 它在城堡德雷库拉。 他的双胞胎,弗朗茨,一个赌徒,问吸血鬼是否吓到了卡尔; 卡尔给了他一个埃及护身符,可以保护他。 弗朗茨拿着护身符,在他的哥哥前面,先到达城堡。 在那里,他找到一个伯爵夫人邀请他吃饭。 那天晚上,卡尔到了。 巧合的是,这是处女月亮之夜…
  • 有意思的巴西儿童片,可能算不上经典,但很好看。。。Three prankish little boys try to discover if they are, as their angry parents use to say, three living "demons". Os Tres Zuretas is a great surprise. I used to see this tape on the shelves of…
  • Three celebrities each investigate whether a particular aspects of themselves is innate at birth or acquired later in life.
  • 在太平洋范围内,一批探测员乘坐轮船打算去海洋深处探测,正在他们进行任务对接时,船上人员监测到深海附近有不明障碍物靠近,他们紧急联系入海人员,但最终发生了惨剧,海底监测人员被鲨鱼所食。六个月后,在墨西哥靠近太平洋的海岸港口附近,鲨鱼又出现了,人们并不知情。一个爱好潜水的年轻人在海水中发现了一枚鲨鱼的牙齿。这枚牙齿引起了年…