- The show is based around making audience members' wishes come true, featuring ordinary people living out their fantasies for real.There are no rules as to who can appear on the show, it features ordinary members of the public nominated by friends who think they have a hidden talent or other special reason. Every guest …
- The film is loosely based on the eassay The Death of the Author by Roland Barthes, in which he states that the author as an individual is inconsequential to the understanding of a work. "The text is a tissue of quotations drawn from innumerable centres of culture....a text's unity lies not in its origin, but in it…
- A solitary schoolgirl, prone to sudden blackouts after she's stumbled into a murder scene, gets involved with her English teacher. Then, when his wife is also murdered, questions about what's real and what's made up start haunting her. Written by Homme A. Piest (imdb)
- 维克多是一个法国侦探他有2项任务,一是用摄像机录下他新的英国搭档侦探派特伯顿在行动中的表现。第二个任务是协助伯顿处理这个不寻常的案子。维克多和伯顿正在英国追踪个连环杀人犯。这个凶手与众不同,他一次又一次的逃脱追捕,他有着神秘的力量,称自己为“上帝”。维克多和伯顿最终还是抓到了凶手,并且起初对这个“上帝”的特殊能力嗤之以…