- On an unknown planet in an uncertain time, a two-tiered society has taken shape. The ruling class live above ground and wear masks on their faces, while the working class labors below the surface of the planet. The lowest order of the underground culture – prisoners, revolutionaries and various troublemakers – are forc…
- Unemployed car salesman Peter is encouraged by his girlfriend Cynthia to approach the head of a petrol company with his plan for making petrol stations more attractive to customers. When the man rejects the idea Peter joins a rival company and becomes a great success.
- A down-on-his-luck stock broker becomes homeless and takes refuge in front of an office building where a famous print model works. After he heroically rescues her from a robbery attempt one night, she takes him home as an act of gratitude. Upon cleaning him up, sparks fly and she questions her current relationship in t…
- 卡莉在一堆糟糕到不行的約會中她終於遇到了好像可以認真交往的米羅,直到她發現了他的真面目…。他變成她”生命中的沒好缺漢”,發生的一切都漸漸讓她快要抓狂,於是她綁架米羅,羞辱他並找來精神官能症的患者及朋友商量要怎麼讓自己從這一連串烏煙瘴氣中脫身。