搜索 Bartlett

  • 碧昂丝自编自导自演的短片。该短片重现了电影“狮子王”的音乐,故事围绕黑人国王和王后为寻找自己的王冠的故事。
  • Troubled artist Cassie suffers with reoccurring visions of murder, which she copes with by committing the violent acts to canvas. But when her visions begin to manifest in real life, her friends and family begin to turn up dead. Realizing her visions actually provide a direct link to the killer, Cassie must now confron…
  • Of all the dangers Elizabeth I had to survive - the Spanish Armada, a Catholic continent plotting against her incessantly, restless nobles uneasy at serving a queen who refused to marry - none was so personally intense as her rivalry with another woman - her cousin and fellow queen, Mary, Queen of Scots. This was her l…
  • 电影
  • Two strangers find their lives colliding in an impossible way. Alex is a methodical cargo thief working for a dangerous cartel. Sam is a determined paramedic trying to save the world while running from her past.
  • 青春烂漫时节,何苦坐在课堂里辜负大好光阴。炎炎夏日,几名青年男女偷偷溜出课堂,他们躲过老师的监视,蜂拥钻进一辆老式大众汽车中。年轻人们载歌载舞,脱掉了死板的校服,换上最为青春靓丽的服装。他们弹奏美妙的音乐,画上最时尚的妆容,一路就来到远离城市喧嚣的海边。男生女生快意玩耍,享受温暖的阳光和浪漫的爱情。而就在一切看似无比美…
  • TwitoftheYear
    A review of the idiocies and faux pas of the social media site Twitter, which have now become as much a part of our lives as what we had for breakfast.
  • 电视剧历史
    The story of England's longest ruling dynasty, starting with Henry II and ending with Richard III.英国历史上享国最长的王朝, 起自亨利二世, 终于理查三世.
  • 硅谷的秘密
    Journalist, tech blogger and director of The Centre For The Analysis Of Social Media Jamie Bartlett - author of several books on technology and politics - explores the reality behind Silicon Valley's glittering promise to build a better world.
  • 美利坚我们的故事
    美国:我们的故事 01 反抗者   美国:我们的故事 02 革命   美国:我们的故事 03 西进   美国:我们的故事 04 分裂   美国:我们的故事 05 内战   美国:我们的故事 06 腹地   美国:我们的故事 07 城市   美国:我们的故事 08 繁荣   美国:我们的故事 09 萧条   美国:我们的故事 10 二战   美国:我们的故事 11…