搜索 Bash

  • TheKickAshBashConcertFilm
    In the aftermath of the Thomas Fire and Montecito debris flows, the Santa Barbara community sought to honor the 24 lives lost and show their gratitude to first responders, so music was called upon to be a tonic for the soul.
  • TheHocusPocus25thAnniversaryHalloweenBash
    Fans, cast members, and celebrities alike gather at the El Capitan Theatre to commemorate the 25th Anniversary of Disney's Hocus Pocus and it's long lasting impact.
  • This is a social comic film that talks about the pitfalls faced by young people in our country because of the difficult economic conditions, through a series of unfortunate situations that coincide with two married couples. The film was filmed in the city of Aden and identified in the most popular neighborhoods of the …
  • Nadya, a young single teacher, arrives to her relatives' village house for vacation. Her uncle and aunt decide to find her a nice husband. For generating an interest to modest Nadya they spread the rumor about the huge inheritance which she will soon receive from her deceased husband. Of course, in a very short time a …
  • 电影剧情
  • 为了潜心学习研究,国王和他的同伴发誓三年不近女色。不料他们的志存高远马上就要经受严峻的考验:法国的公主与其女伴就在来的路上。
  • The film is "a trap" - inspired by the real life events of socio-critical drama with elements of thriller.The main characters of the film - the people of our time, found a strange figure receiving a social life. By the end of the event they discover that something strange happened that will change the lives o…
  • 在城市里,有一种人他们过着隐蔽的生活,他们不是坏人,他们只是暗中保护这座城市安全的小分队——快闪部队。当然,他们的工作要求他们会遇到很多麻烦,这次小分队任务来了——核危机。他们要再次踏上拯救城市的道路,他们会一帆风顺吗?
  • 二战时,画家莫尼和犹太音乐家悠悠都疯狂地爱着雪莉,他们的爱情影响了保加利亚上万名犹太人的命运……本片是导演Ivan Nitchev既《世界尽头的雪橇》《耶路撒冷之旅》后保加利亚犹太人三部曲的终章,其中第2部也曾代表保加利亚"申奥",未能提名。由于Nitchev是国家电影委员会的成员,保加利亚很多电影人在质疑公正性。保国今年其他候选…